Second Cycle: The Reign of Jesus in the Temple, Luke 19:45 to Luke 21:4.

From this moment, Jesus establishes Himself as a sovereign in His Father's house; He there discharges the functions not only of a prophet, but of a legislator and judge; for some days the theocratic authorities seem to abdicate their powers into His hands.

These are the days of the Messiah's sovereignty in His temple (Mal 3:1-2).

This section contains the following facts: Jesus driving out the sellers (Luke 19:45-48); His answer to an official question of the Sanhedrim regarding His competence (Luke 20:1-8); His announcing their deprivation of authority (Luke 20:9-19); His escape from the snares laid for Him by the Pharisees and Sadducees (Luke 20:20-40); His putting to them a question respecting the person of the Messiah (Luke 20:41-44); His guarding the people against those seducers (Luke 20:45-47); His setting up, in opposition to their false system of moral appreciation, the true standard of divine judgment (Luke 21:1-4).

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Old Testament

New Testament