Fifth Narrative: The Birth of the Saviour, Luke 2:1-20.

Henceforth there exists in the midst of corrupt humanity a pure Being, on whom God's regard can rest with unmingled satisfaction. Uniting in this divine contemplation, the celestial intelligences already see streaming from this fire those waves of light which will ultimately penetrate to the remotest bounds of the moral universe. The new creation, the union of God with the sanctified creature begins to find its accomplishment in this Being, in order to extend from Him to the whole of mankind, and to comprehend at last heaven itself, which is to be united with us under one and the same head, and to adore one Lord Jesus Christ as its Lord (Colossians 1:20; Ephesians 1:10; Php 2:9-11). Such is the point of view we must take in order to appreciate the following narrative: 1. Jesus is born (Luke 2:1-7); 2. The angels celebrate this birth (Luke 2:8-14); 3. The shepherds ascertain and publish it (Luke 2:15-20).

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