The Teaching of Jesus.

The καὶ αὐτός, then He (Luke 24:25), shows that His turn has now come. They have said everything they have opened their heart; now it is for Him to fill it with new things. And first, in the way of rebuke (Luke 24:25). ᾿Ανοητοί, fools, refers to the understanding; βραδεῖς, slow, to the heart. If they had embraced the living God with more fervent faith, the fact of the resurrection would not have been so strange to their hopes (Luke 20:37-38).

Next, in the way of instruction (Luke 24:26-27). Luke 24:26 is the central word of this narrative. The explanation of the ἔδει, ought, was no doubt rather exegetical than dogmatical; it turned on the text presented by the prophecies (Luke 24:27).

Jesus had before Him a grand field, from the Protevangelium down to Malachi 4. In studying the Scriptures for Himself, He had found Himself in them everywhere (John 5:39-40). He had now only to let this light which filled His heart ray forth from Him. The second ἀπό (Luke 24:27) shows that the demonstration began anew with every prophet.

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Old Testament

New Testament