4. The Transfiguration: Luke 9:28-36.

There is but one allusion to this event in the whole of the N. T. (2 Peter 1), which proves that it has no immediate connection with the work of salvation. On the other hand, its historical reality can only be satisfactorily established in so far as we succeed in showing in a reasonable way its place in the course of the life and development of Jesus.

According to the description of the transfiguration given in the Syn. (Matthew 17:1 et seq.; Mark 9:2 et seq.), we distinguish three phases in this scene: 1 st. The personal glorification of Jesus (Luke 9:28-29); 2 d. The appearing of Moses and Elijah, and His conversation with them (Luke 9:30-33); 3 d. The interposition of God Himself (Luke 9:34-36).

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New Testament