Ver. 4. On their arrival at a city, they were to settle down in the first house to which they obtained access (εἰς ἣν ἄν, into whatever house), which, however, was not to exclude prudence and well-ascertained information (Matthew); and, once settled in a house, they were to keep to it, and try to make it the centre of a divine work in that place. To accept the hospitality of several families in succession would be the means of creating rivalry. It would therefore be from this house also, which was the first to welcome them, that they would have to set out on leaving the place: “till ye go thence. ” The reading of the Vulg.: “Go not out of this house,” is an erroneous correction. In the primitive churches, Christian work was concentrated in certain houses, which continued to be centres of operation (comp. the expression in Paul's epistles, “ The church which is in his house ”).

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Old Testament

New Testament