Because Christians are born again by the word of God which lasts forever, they should put off from themselves, or renounce, the sins Peter names. Kelcy says the word translated "laying aside", "(apotithemi) means "put off" and was used of the literal act of taking off clothes." It is good to think of these sins as filthy, stinking clothes that one would take off and throw away. "Malice" is ill will or the desire to injure others, according to Thayer. He says "guile" is "a lure, snare; hence craft, deceit"."Hypocrisy" is a word describing one who pretends to be something he is not. "Envy" is descriptive of one who does not like to see any good come into anyone else's life. Such a person is still very much self-centered.

When one speaks against others to ruin their reputations or to cause others to think less of someone else, he is involved in "evil speaking". The same Greek word is translated "backbitings" in 2 Corinthians 12:20. The word "all", which Peter uses three times in this verse, means all kinds of the thing described. Of course, all the sins described here work directly against brotherly love (1:22) and are of a worldly, or corruptible seed (1 Peter 2:1).

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