"I Do Not Want You To Be Ignorant"

It appears some at Thessalonica thought the blessings of Christ's second coming would only be enjoyed by those who were living at the time of the Savior's return. Such a misunderstanding of one of the most basic doctrines about Jesus Christ could have led to a terrible state of spiritual depression, especially when Christian loved ones died before the Lord's return.

Paul wanted to be sure they had plenty of teaching on this important topic and were not left doubting because of ignorance (Romans 1:13; Romans 11:25). It was critical that they understand that those who were already asleep, or those resting in the bosom of the earth in death, had not, and would not, miss the resurrection. The loss of those counted as dear loved ones is filled with shock and immediate sorrow. Unbelievers are burdened with an extra amount of sorrow when their loved ones die because they see no escape from the tomb. Paul did not want the brethren to suffer this additional sorrow (1 Thessalonians 4:13).

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