Proper Treatment of the Unruly and Fainthearted

Paul wanted to insure that brethren in various circumstances were watched over in the best possible way. So, he wrote special instructions which may have been intended first for the elders and then all the brethren. Some brethren could have been described as unruly. Unruly soldiers fell out of step, thus the word came to describe one who was disorderly or lazy. Such were to be given instructions which warned them of the dangers ahead and urged them to join ranks with fellow Christians in service to the Lord.

Other Christians could be described as fainthearted, or timid, fearful. This type of individual was weakened when confronted with persecution and opposition. Such need support and encouragement. Since the devil is compared to a lion, the young and weak should always be considered one of his primary targets (1 Peter 5:8). They may need an elder, or other strong Christian, to put an arm around them and help them over life's rough times. All of these groups will require a long suffering spirit to help them, if they are to survive spiritually.

In general, it could be said that Christians must not be vengeful (Romans 12:17-21). They should always try to do what is right for the other fellow, even if he is not a member of Christ's body (1 Thessalonians 5:14-15).

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