Guiding Principles for the Spiritual Man

In 1 Thessalonians 1:6, Paul had noted their joy. As he closed out this letter, the apostle wanted to urge the brethren to make joy an ever present part of their lives. This is possible, despite outward difficulties, because of an awareness of God's love. Christians remember that He sent His Son to die for all those who would obediently hear His voice. Further, they know freedom from sin and fellowship with the Father and Son in Christ's body. Just as eating is a regular practice used to sustain the body, prayer should regularly be used to sustain the soul. The Christian's blessings should cause him to continually give thanks to God. The same things that allow one to be constantly joyful, should make him constantly thankful. Also, it is God that sustains the Christian in this life and gives the many good gifts each possesses (Acts 17:28; James 1:17). It is God's will that His children should be joyful, prayerful and thankful, in his Son, the Savior.

McGarvey says, "as fire may be smothered out by overwhelming it with noncombustible matter, so the Spirit of God in the breast of a man may be quenched by overloading the life with worldly cares." Paul urged his readers to avoid such overwhelming worldly cares. A prophet is one who speaks for God, thus he is inspired.

To despise true prophesyings would be to despise God's very revelation. So, God's people could not afford to despise prophecies. The apostle did hasten to say Christians need to test the things they hear and see and only cling to that which is good, or from God (1 John 4:1; Deuteronomy 18:21-22).

Therefore, the Lord's followers are to avoid all things that bear the likeness of evil (1 Thessalonians 5:16-22). Lipscomb referred to a corresponding verse in Romans 14:16. He wrote, "Do not do good in such a way as to make people think you rendered evil purposes.....Some people do many good things in such a way that others think they are actuated by evil motives and sinister designs."

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