VERSE 1 Most of the earlier part of this letter has been addressed to
that part of the church loyal to Paul. The apostle now turns to deal
with his accusers. He had included Timothy in previous thoughts, but
now stands alone (1) for his defense. To show the spirit of his
writing, Paul accepts their... [ Continue Reading ]
VERSE 2 Paul pleaded with them to change so he might again come to
them gently. He did not want to use the power God had given him to
prove his spirituality and disprove the charges that he served only
his fleshly desires.... [ Continue Reading ]
VERSE 3 He admitted that he was a man, but denied using human tactics
(slander to destroy enemies; adjusting speech to please others) to
satisfy personal desires.... [ Continue Reading ]
VERSE 4 All of Paul's power was from God and based on His word (1
Corinthians 4:19-21; 1 Corinthians 5:5). This is a possible reference
to the "crow" that was a great claw used to pull down strongholds and
castles.... [ Continue Reading ]
VERSE 5 The purpose of Christianity is to throw out all human thinking
and place God in complete control. Every part of the Christian is to
be subject to God's uses and intents.... [ Continue Reading ]
VERSE 6 The power previously mentioned, was going to be used by Paul
to punish those who insisted on disobeying God's inspired apostle. He
did, however, pause to give all those who would obey a chance to
repent.... [ Continue Reading ]
VERSE 7 Some were looking at the outside to determine value. Such is a
shallow measure. Paul was at least equal to those who opposed him
(Acts 9:15; Acts 15:25; Galatians 2:9).... [ Continue Reading ]
VERSE 8 Paul knew that he could boast in his authority over against
theirs and his boast would be backed up. He would not fall to his
shame. However, God gave him that great power to build up the church,
not tear it down, as others with less power apparently would do.... [ Continue Reading ]
VERSE 9 Paul could back his strong letters with power if it was
necessary when he arrived.... [ Continue Reading ]
VERSE 10 Some falsely accused him of being powerful in his writing,
but weak when present.... [ Continue Reading ]
VERSE 11 Clearly, Paul wants them to know he will back his words with
power and prompt action when he is present with them.... [ Continue Reading ]
VERSE 12 Paul did not see himself as an equal to his opponents in
their ability to exaggerate their own power and authority. Apparently
they had accused him of commending himself (2 Corinthians 3:1; 2
Corinthians 5:12), but they were describing their own problem. Within
their own narrow circle, they... [ Continue Reading ]
VERSE 13 Paul did not measure himself by men. Rather, he measured
himself by the area God had given him to work in. His sphere of
preaching was the area where Christ had not been named (Romans 15:20),
which included Corinth when he started the work there.... [ Continue Reading ]
VERSE 14 He did not go out of the sphere assigned to him when he
preached at Corinth. He even went to Corinth to fulfill his mission.... [ Continue Reading ]
VERSE 15 He did not have to build on other men's labors to find work.
In fact, he could, and had to, confine his labors to them until they
grew. Their lack of growth kept him from furthering the gospel
elsewhere.... [ Continue Reading ]
VERSE 16 Paul intended to go on and establish churches in other lands
needing the gospel when he finished at Corinth. he did not need to
seize someone else's work as his opponents had done.... [ Continue Reading ]
VERSE 17 This rule comes from Jeremiah 9:23-24. Paul gave all the
glory for his success to the Lord, unlike those challenging him.... [ Continue Reading ]
VERSE 18 Self-approval and commendation carries no weight. God's
approval is based on service actually rendered and carries lasting
value.... [ Continue Reading ]