The Greater Glory of the New Covenant

The law of Moses was written in stone and condemned men to die since they were not perfect. Yet, Moses, as a minister of that covenant, was glorified to the point that no one could look upon his face. Moses' law was directed to the outward man and condemned, yet brought glory. The law brought by the Spirit and directed to the inward man should bring more glory (2 Corinthians 3:7-8).

The Old Law could not free man from sin, while the New can. Since the Old brought glory, the New should outshine it as the sun outshines the moon. Even though the Old Law was made glorious, the New, in comparison made it as if it had no glory. Like the rising sun obscures the moon, the New Law obscures the Old. It remains while the other is obscured, thus displaying its greater glory (2 Corinthians 3:9-11).

Because we have hope of life and not of condemnation, Paul was not timid in speech. Knowing God was on his side, he spoke openly (2 Corinthians 3:12).

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