VERSE 1. McGarvey and Pendleton see this as a comparison to the spirit
of God dwelling in the tabernacle until the temple was built. By
inspiration, Paul knew that if the fleshly body were destroyed, a
spiritual body would replace it. The spirit would separate from the
body at death and the body ret... [ Continue Reading ]
VERSE 2 While enduring this life's suffering, it is natural to long
for that better specially prepared house (or clothing).... [ Continue Reading ]
VERSE 3 Paul longed for the day of the Lord's coming when he might lay
aside this physical body and put on the spiritual.... [ Continue Reading ]
VERSE 4 Paul did not long for death because it brought separation of
soul and body (or nakedness). Rather, he was willing to face death
because of the new body awaiting him on the other side.... [ Continue Reading ]
VERSE 5 God told us about the immortal body which awaits us and how to
reach it. He gave us the Holy Spirit as a pledge that He would keep
the promise of a new body (Hebrews 2:3-4).... [ Continue Reading ]
VERSE 6 With such assurance, Paul knew that this earthly home was not
to be preferred to death where we can be home with the Lord.... [ Continue Reading ]
VERSE 7 Faith is the assurance that we will have that new body in the
heavens. We can not see it, but know it by faith (Hebrews 11:1).... [ Continue Reading ]
VERSE 8 That knowledge caused him to desire death with no need to fear
because he would be with the Lord.... [ Continue Reading ]
VERSE 9 Though he had assurance, he did not grow lazy. Paul wanted to
please God while in his physical body (absent) and when he was with
the Lord (at home).... [ Continue Reading ]
VERSE 10 To let down his guard would have been fatal since all deeds
will be laid open before Christ's judgment seat. Each will be rewarded
on the basis of those deeds, so Paul took aim toward heaven to avoid
missing being at home with the Lord.... [ Continue Reading ]
VERSE 11 Fearing the Lord because of his power to judge all deeds,
Paul sought to please the Lord by persuading men. God would know his
right intentions, since he saw all, and Paul hoped the Corinthians
could now also see his good intentions and actions.... [ Continue Reading ]
VERSE 12 Paul did not say this to boast, but to give his friends full
enough knowledge to compare his actions with those opposing him. While
those opposing him gloried in outward show (like letters of
recommendation), he, Paul, had spiritual facts to stand in his behalf.... [ Continue Reading ]
VERSE 13 Some opposing him might say he was mad. Yet, his madness was
all directed in God's service. Even if they saw a sane part of him
also, it was aimed at the strengthening of the church. So, they could
not accuse him of building up himself.... [ Continue Reading ]
VERSE 14 Paul was devoted in his service to Christ who would have him
serve man. Though the apostle might be tempted to neglect this
service, the love of Christ caused him to continue in it. He
especially felt compelled to serve since Christ had representatively
died for all. Paul was thus dead to s... [ Continue Reading ]
VERSE 15 Since Christ died for us, we ought to live for Him. (Romans
12:1-2)... [ Continue Reading ]
VERSE 16 After his conversion, Paul did not judge men in light of
worldly thinking. This was true even thought Paul had judged Christ by
that standard before his conversion. This verse might especially be
directed to Jews and their genealogies.... [ Continue Reading ]
VERSE 17 Christians are spiritual and should be judged by spiritual
standards. They should not be rejected because they are Gentiles or
accepted because they are Jews. Fleshly desires are laid aside at
baptism and a new life begun.... [ Continue Reading ]
VERSE 18 This new man lives a life completely planned and revealed by
God. He sent Christ to die that we might be made friends again with
God.... [ Continue Reading ]
VERSE 19 God gave us a means of having our sins forgotten and
re-establishing our friendship with him. In turn, he wants us to tell
others the terms of becoming God's friends.... [ Continue Reading ]
VERSE 20 As ambassador carries messages from the King. Because
Christ's blood had cleansed him of sin, Paul carried the message of
salvation to the world. As Christ's messenger, he pleaded with men to
become God's friend through the washing away of sin.... [ Continue Reading ]
VERSE 21 The strength of Paul's plea lay in the fact that God loved us
enough to send a sinless Son to die for sinful man.... [ Continue Reading ]