VERSE 1 In verse 20 of chapter 5, Paul had called himself Christ's
ambassador. He now says that he and Jesus work together to save the
Corinthians. Paul pleaded with them to remain faithful so they would
not be turned away from the gospel.... [ Continue Reading ]
VERSE 2 Isaiah 49:8 is now quoted by the apostle to prove God's
continual interest in man's salvation. God is always ready to receive
sinful man, but man is limited to the present since it will never
happen again and the future is not assured.... [ Continue Reading ]
VERSE 3 In verse 1, Paul said he pleaded with men to accept God's plan
of salvation. Now, he says he lived his life in a way that would not
cause men to refuse the appeal because of the messenger. He did not
want his life to hinder his preaching and its effectiveness.... [ Continue Reading ]
VERSE 4 Paul's life stood as a witness and letter of recommendation.
Instead of hindering him, it showed how completely he believed what he
said. Paul had quietly suffered knowing that a day of reward would
come (Matthew 10:22). "Afflictions" may be the general persecution of
the church with "necess... [ Continue Reading ]
VERSE 5 Five times Paul received "stripes" from Jewish whips and three
times from Roman rods (2 Corinthians 11:24-25). We know he was
imprisoned in Acts 16:24, which would be before this writing. Paul was
in "tumults", or "tossed to and fro" so often that we need not mention
them all. "Labors" would... [ Continue Reading ]
VERSE 6 He had remained holy, not allowing trials to cause him to
compromise the truth. He quietly suffered all the trials and was kind
to his greatest tormentors. The Holy Spirit gave Paul strength and he
rose to a true love of Christ and his service.... [ Continue Reading ]
VERSE 7 Paul relied on God's word and power. He was ready to defend
with God's righteous armor on the left hand and attack with God's
righteousness on the right.... [ Continue Reading ]
VERSE 8 He had been honored by converts and dishonored by Jews and
Judaizers. Each side gave a different account of him. Some thought of
him as a fraud, but God knew he was a faithful servant.... [ Continue Reading ]
VERSE 9 His enemies refused to recognize him, but God's people knew
him well. Some tried to kill him, but God saved him. He had to suffer,
yet not more than he could bear.... [ Continue Reading ]
VERSE 10 This life was sorrowful, but he would rejoice in the next. He
had no money, but he gave others God's Word. He gave up all here, yet
expected rich reward in the hereafter. In Paul's first letter to the
Corinthian brethren, the troubles at Corinth had caused him to have a
heart narrowed with... [ Continue Reading ]
VERSE 14 This appeal is based on the aforementioned love. All
relationships with unbelievers that hinder our service to God should
be stopped. So long as we can have peaceful relationships with
unbelievers that do not affect our service to God adversely, we may
continue in them (1 Corinthians 5:9-10... [ Continue Reading ]
VERSE 15 Those trying to force us into a mold of wickedness must be
shunned. Belial means worthless fellow (Satan). Christians are
buildings, or temples, consecrated to the service of God. In what
appears to be a loose quotation from Ezekiel 37:26-27, Paul indicates
God dwells in those who are true... [ Continue Reading ]