Hospitality and False Teachers

The elect lady was confronted with the problem of how to treat those false teachers John warned against. A Christian cannot in any way appear to support those who teach error. Christians are to be hospitable (Romans 12:13), but can refuse to extend such to any who do not present the simple teachings of Christ. Money for lodgings was scarce in John's day, so teachers depended on the saints to open their homes. John said this good sister should not do so to those who taught contrary to the will of Christ which would make her appear to be in sympathy with them. To in any way encourage a false teacher is to become a partner in their false teachings (2 John 1:10-11).

John had many more things he would have liked to write but expressed the hope that he could sit down with the lady and her children in their home and talk further. Her sister was obviously a Christian, since she is also called "elect." Some of her children must have been near John as he wrote, since he sent their greetings (2 John 1:12-13).

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