Answering the Scoffers

The scoffers had ignored the creation. It was a perfect proof that things had not always been the same. Instead, God had spoken and the waters were separated to that above and below the firmament. Then, God spoke and caused dry land to appear (2 Peter 3:5). In fact, it was by means of the water above the firmament that God had brought about the flood, which was also an event that proved things had not always been the same. Peter mentioned the heavens and earth that existed in his day in contrast to the earth that existed before the flood. God spoke and the world was covered with a flood. Further, Peter said, it is by his word that the present world is reserved, or stored up, for a destruction by fire. The word "perdition" could be better understood if we used the word destruction. Much like the world was not wiped out of existence by the flood, these ungodly men will not cease to exist but will be banished from God's presence. The word translated "perished" in verse 6 is the same one translated "perdition" in verse 7.

Peter would also have the scoffers know that the passage of time did not mean that God would fail to keep his promise. Time is insignificant to an eternal being. God allowed time to pass, not because he forgot his promise, because he is willing to suffer long with man in the hope that all will take advantage of their opportunity and repent. God desires the salvation of all men (2 Peter 3:8-9; John 3:16-17; 1 Timothy 2:3-4).

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