An Injunction to Steadfastness

The apostle urged Timothy to hold tight to the “pattern of sound words.” The word translated "pattern" is the Greek word hupo-tuposis. Joseph Thayer, in his Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, says this word means, "the pattern placed before one to be held fast and copied, model." Paul had given Timothy a clear model of sound teachings from which he should not stray. The way to do that was through hearing the word of God and doing what it says to do out of a love for lost souls. As Paul thought of his own approaching death, the importance of men like Timothy preserving the good news in the form God delivered it naturally became a vital matter. The same Holy Spirit who inspired the penmen to write would help Timothy keep the gospel pure (2 Timothy 1:13-14).

When Paul used the expression, "all those in Asia," he likely was using hyperbole, or an exaggeration for emphasis. We use these often. For example, one might say, "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse." Paul's point is that none from Asia, which was so near by, had come to his defense during his trial in Rome. In fact, the aged apostle used the word "deserted" to describe their actions. For some reason, he singled out the two men named as being among the deserters. Perhaps they led others into such actions (2 Timothy 1:15).

In stark contrast to those who deserted him, Onesiphorus had been like a cool breeze under a shade tree for an over-heated traveler, which is the idea behind the word "refreshed." This kind brother had not been ashamed of the apostle's chains in prison. Thus, Paul expressed his desire that the entire house of Onesiphorus obtain mercy. He had put forth a great deal of effort to find the imprisoned apostle. Paul's specific desire for this helpful brother was that he would find mercy in the day of judgment. Timothy was well aware of how helpful Onesiphorus had been in Ephesus and from the above statements would likely conclude that he had continued in the same manner (2 Timothy 1:16-18).

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