A Description of the Coming Apostates

Paul told Timothy to keep in mind that during the Christian age times of great stress would come for the Christ's disciples. The great stress would come because of the attitudes men would display. They would turn from love for God to love of self and money. They would be proud, egotistical and use evil speech about others, especially God. They would so lack respect for authority that they would even be disobedient toward their parents. A complete lack of gratitude would also characterize this wicked group. Things holy would be despised by them (2 Timothy 3:1-2).

Love for one's own parents, or children, should come naturally, but not for this group. Such would not favor peace under any circumstances and would falsely accuse others. No self-control would be visible in their lives. Instead, Paul foretold that they would rage like wild animals and hate anything good. Betraying someone for selfish gain would be commonplace with them. They would be rash, impulsive and puffed up with conceit. Basically, their desire was to be toward enjoyment of the moment more than toward pleasing God. Christians who have such attitudes might profess to follow God, but it would be clear he had no real influence in their lives. They would deny God's power by ignoring the directions he had revealed to them. Timothy was told to turn away from such people (2 Timothy 3:3-5).

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