Gary Hampton Commentaries
Acts 33:6-11
Paul next began to relate the unique conversation with the voice from heaven which he had while on the Damascus road. Luke had already reported this to Theophilus in chapter 9, but Paul now adds the fact that the bright light was seen at noon, when it outshined the sun at its brightest. When he fell to the ground, a voice asked why he was persecuting him. To accurately answer the question, Saul had to know who was speaking. Jesus then clearly identified himself. Of course, the only sense in which Saul, or Paul, persecuted Jesus was in that he persecuted the church, or Jesus' body. Paul's travelling companions were afraid. They did not hear the voice of our Lord in the sense that they did not understand it nor obey it. However, Saul fully understood and asked what the Lord would have him to do. Jesus told him to go into the city to be told what was planned for him, both in reference to his own salvation and that of many others. Paul's companions had to lead him to Damascus because he was blind (Acts 22:6-11).