One would not want to be taken away from Christ because in Him is to be found everything essential to being divine. He was not, as some false teachers suggested, a mere emanation from God. Turner says this essence of deity both dwelt and dwelleth in Christ, which is the force of the verb here. The word bodily may well suggest Christ's incarnation, though there certainly is a spiritual body (1 Corinthians 15:44). The word "Godhead" is only found three times in the New Testament. Paul uses theios in Acts 17:29, which the Greeks used "to denote the divine nature, power, providence," according to Thayer. In Romans 1:20, the word is theiotas, which Thayer says means "divinity, divine nature." In Colossians 2:9, the word is theotas, meaning "deity, i.e. the state of being God," according to Thayer.

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