Paul wrote this letter as one who was specially chosen and sent by the
Lord himself (Acts 9:10-16). He wrote to the saints in Ephesus. A
saint is one sanctified, or set apart, for God's service (1
Corinthians 6:11). Sanctification is an ongoing process God is
completing in us as long as w... [ Continue Reading ]
Spiritual Blessings Are In Christ
We owe God thanksgiving and praise because of all the spiritual
blessings we have in his Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. The expression
"in the heavenly places" occurs four other times in this epistle
(Ephesians 1:20; Ephesians 2:6; Ephesians 3:10; Ephesians 6:12). Here... [ Continue Reading ]
God's Sons By Adoption
Under Roman law, a Roman citizen could take one not his child by birth
and make him his child through a legal act properly attested to and
witnessed. The child would thereby gain all the rights and privileges
of a son in the family. Similarly, those who because of their
sinfu... [ Continue Reading ]
A redemption price is paid to buy something back. As Lipscomb says, in
this case it is to rescue from bondage to the devil. It is in Christ
and through his blood particularly, that we find release from, or
forgiveness of, sins (Hebrews 9:22; 1 Peter 1:18-20; Matthew 26:28;
John 19:31-34; Ro... [ Continue Reading ]
God's Purpose
God was not rushed, or delayed, in the carrying out of his purpose.
Instead, when the time was ripe, full or ready, God sent Jesus. He
sent him to die, shed his blood, be buried and raised. Then, all the
things that had been divided by man's rebellion could be united in
Christ (Ephesi... [ Continue Reading ]
A Divine Inheritance
Paul went on to show the gathering together of the previous verses
includes the Jews who had been God's chosen ones under Moses' law,
thus he uses "we." The word "works" means God continually works.
Notice, again it is those "in" Christ who will be a part of God's
prearranged p... [ Continue Reading ]
The Spirit's Part In Man's Redemption
If the "we" of Ephesians 1:11 is the Jews, then, the "you" of
Ephesians:1:13 is the Gentiles. They too trusted in Christ once they
heard the gospel preached and believed. In John 3:36, the A.S.V. has,
"He that believeth on the Son hath eternal life; but he that... [ Continue Reading ]
Reason For Thanksgiving
We have already seen that Paul worked among them and so knew of them
firsthand. Perhaps he had not seen any of them since he saw the elders
when he called them to Miletus (Acts 20:17 ff). However, he was
thankful that he had heard of their faith which was rooted in the
Lord,... [ Continue Reading ]
A Prayer For Further Understanding
The prayer Paul started in the previous two verses is continued in
1:17. Lipscomb notes God is often referred to as the God of Abraham,
Isaac and Jacob (Exodus 3:6; Exodus 4:5; 1 Chronicles 29:18; Acts
3:13). However, Paul now calls him "the God of our Lord Jesus... [ Continue Reading ]
God's Greatness
To show God's ability to accomplish his purpose, Paul uses six
different Greek words in describing his power. The word "exceeding"
and "greatness" come from the original huperbalo and megethos
respectively. According to Thayer, they mean "to transcend, surpass,
exceed, excel" and "g... [ Continue Reading ]