The Old Man Walked in Sin

If the church would grow to the perfection of Christ, it must turn from walking in the ways of the world. Particularly, Christians would not pursue selfish ways (4:17). When man follows his own desires, he fails to understand the ways of righteousness. God's ways become foreign to him. He is ignorant, not because God failed to make knowledge available through inspiration's pen, but because of his own willfulness. Ultimately, God gives such a man ample opportunity to harden his heart and turn completely away from good (4:18; Romans 1:18-32; 2 Thessalonians 2:3-12).

When one ignores righteousness long enough, his conscience quits hurting, and he runs wild in sin (1 Timothy 4:1-2). He involves himself in lustful activities. His only purpose becomes the filling of his own desires and without any shame whatsoever (4:19). Paul knew they had been taught the truth and would know such a lifestyle was not Christ-like (4:20; Acts 20:17-21; Acts 20:25-27).

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