Walking In Wisdom

Fools hear the sound of Jesus' voice but do not do the things he says (Matthew 7:24-27). Even Christians must live carefully, or accurately, so as to obey the Lord's commandments and be considered wise (5:15). Therefore, Paul urged members of the church to make the most of the time they had, especially since the time in which he wrote was so full of wickedness (5:16).

The unwise, as noted previously, hear the Lord but do not obey. In contrast, Paul pleaded for the brethren to be understanding ones who hear the Lord and try to incorporate what he says into their lives (5:17; Matthew 13:18-23, especially 19 and 23; Job 28:28; Proverbs 9:10). Because Paul uses a linear verb, it would be more accurate to translate, "be not being drunk," or, "do not find yourself in the process of being intoxicated." Drunkenness leads to excess, or riot, which is translated "dissipation" and means a complete lack of control. Instead of being filled with intoxicating liquids, Paul would have the saints be filled with the Spirit. While alcohol is merely a temporary escape, the Spirit shows one the means of overcoming through the word (5:18).

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