Teaching One Another In Song

Paul directed individual Christians to teach each other through spiritual, vocal music (Matthew 26:30; Acts 16:25). Hendren says, "The participle 'speaking' is plural, suggesting all sing." The word for "making melody" is psallo. It describes a plucking like one might do in playing an instrument. But no instrument inheres in the word, so one must go to the context to discover the strings to be plucked. Paul instructs them to pluck the heart strings while they sing. Every Christian must sing truthful songs from the heart to satisfy the demands of this verse (compare John 4:24). To use any other instrument to accompany our spiritual singing would violate God's command (5:19; Colossians 3:16).

A part of Christian singing should be dedicated to thanksgiving for all the wonderful blessings enjoyed. This thanks should be directed to the Father by the authority of Jesus Christ our master (5:20).

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