The Strong One Most High

Melchizedek was "priest of the most high God," from the Hebrew 'El 'Elyon. This is a name for God used for the first time here. Hugo McCord, in his book Getting Acquainted With God, says 'El probably meant "Strong One", or "Powerful One". He then says, "'Elyon means that which is very high, lofty, exalted, most high, supreme." Of course, this could simply refer to God's high and lofty dwelling place (Isaiah 57:15; Isaiah 66:1). However, McCord believes it portrays God as Commander-in-chief, with complete sovereignty. When 318 trained servants can defeat the armies of four kings, it becomes clear the Strong One is in control.

When Melchizedek blessed Abram, he described him as a follower of the Exalted One. He also underscored God's role as the Sovereign of all by saying all in heaven and earth were his. He went on to note that it was the Lofty One who had brought about the defeat of Abram's enemies. Abram then gave tithes to Melchizedek, the priest of the Most High God. He did not want to diminish, even in the eyes of others, God's role in blessing him. So, Abram refused to accept any of the spoils as payment for his part in defeating the kings and returning the captives safely home (14:19-24).

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