Genesis 25:1-11

ABRAHAM'S DEATH AND BURIAL Isaac was forty years old when he married Rebekah. Abraham lived another 35 years beyond that time. He took another wife named Keturah. She bore six sons to him. Those sons received gifts from their father, but Isaac received the inheritance. Abraham sent those sons eastw... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 25:20-28

THE BIRTH OF JACOB AND ESAU After nineteen years of marriage, Isaac and Rebekah still had no children. Isaac prayed God would allow Rebekah to conceive. As John T. Willis observed, we may assume having children is a natural occurrence because so many are born. However, no child is conceived without... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 25:29-34

THE SELLING OF THE BIRTHRIGHT A special blessing ordinarily went to the firstborn. In fact, under the law of Moses, the firstborn received a double portion when the inheritance was distributed. Of course, in the case of a descendant of Abraham and Isaac, the son of promise, God's promised blessing... [ Continue Reading ]

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