Despite the marriages, Isaac continued to love Esau more than Jacob.
His advancing years convinced Isaac it was time to give the blessing,
which normally went with the birthright, to Esau. He intended to do
this despite God's prophecy that the older would serve the younger and
the selling of the bir... [ Continue Reading ]
Rebekah overheard Isaac's instructions to Esau. She called for Jacob
and told him to kill two choice kids from the flocks. She planned to
prepare them in a way which would make them taste like wild game.
Then, she intended for Jacob to take the meal to his fath... [ Continue Reading ]
Almost as soon as Jacob had left, Esau returned with the meat he had
killed and prepared. Isaac asked who he was. As soon as Esau
identified himself, Isaac realized the deception which had taken
place. Esau pleaded for a blessing from his father but the real
blessing, though received... [ Continue Reading ]