Rachel and Jacob were naturally frustrated by her inability to bear
children. Like Sarah before her, Rachel chose to have a child through
her handmaid, Bilhah. The son born of the handmaid was named Dan, or
"he has judged," because Rachel believed God had judged her case and
heard her appeal. The se... [ Continue Reading ]
There are two possible reasons Rachel wanted the mandrakes, a
poisonous plant of the potato family. She may have thought they
produced fertility, since many in that region still have such a
superstition today. Or, she may have just wanted them because they are
rare. At an... [ Continue Reading ]
After the seven years of service for Rachel were completed, Jacob told
Laban he desired to return home. Laban did not want him to go because
he knew God had made him wealthy through Jacob's service. Jacob also
acknowledged God had made Laban prosperous through him. For hi... [ Continue Reading ]