The Example of Abraham

Abraham had relied on the promise of God who swore by Himself (Genesis 22:15-18). God had promised to greatly bless and multiply Abraham. Lightfoot points out that Abraham was seventy-five years old when the promise was first made (Genesis 12:4). He waited twenty-four years, to the age of ninety-nine, before he knew it would be fulfilled by the birth of a son (Genesis 17:1-21). One more year passed before the son of promise, Isaac, was born (Genesis 21:1-7). Therefore, the author of Hebrews reminds his readers that the promise was received to its fullest after Abraham had patiently endured (Hebrews 6:13-15).

The writer says on grave and solemn occasions men have always sworn by the highest power in which they believed. An oath such as this was the end to all disagreements. This is mainly referring to a legal guarantee. For this reason, God had sworn by himself in an oath to Abraham. The promise to Abraham extends to all men of faith (Hebrews 6:16-17).

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