Trust in the Anchor of the Soul

So, the reader could rely upon God's word since he had both the promise and an oath stating that the promise would be kept. In fact, strong consolation is the reward of anyone who flees to Jesus for refuge and lays hold upon the hope of the eternal life He has offered. That hope serves as an anchor of the soul to securely hold us and keep us steady. As the comparison would indicate, "that behind the veil" or what the Most Holy Place is representative of, would be heaven. Our anchor is secure in that unseen realm. Jesus has gone on before believers (John 14:1-6), like a scout. Thus, our hope is already "within the veil," or heaven. Having finished his admonition, the writer now returns our thoughts to Christ as a superior High Priest (Hebrews 6:18-20; Ezekiel 6:9-13, esp. 12-13).

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