Some Impossible To Renew

One might ask why it is important to go on to perfection. The writer answered in a very forceful way. He said it was impossible to bring those who had fallen away back to repentance. This was especially true for those who had seen the light Christ gives the world. They would have already enjoyed the new life in Christ. They would have already been a part of the promise of the Holy Spirit. The joys of God's good news would have been theirs. The power of the truth to set a man free from sin and, therefore, make him a part of the glorious experience of heaven would already have been tasted by such enlightened ones.

When such have fallen away, it is impossible to bring them back to a repentance from the works which lead to death. Such impossibility comes from their turning against Christ after having known Him and all the joys already listed. The attitude they display shows the impossibility. They so reject Christ that they would crucify Him again, if they could. They put their Savior to an open shame by returning to sin. One who does not grow spiritually runs the risk of becoming an apostate from the faith (Hebrews 6:4-6).

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