Things True Hearers of the Word Will Do

James' first illustration of one who truly hears the word is in the area of the tongue. Some people outwardly practice religion by regular attendance, taking the Lord's Supper, singing, etc., yet are fooling themselves as is evidenced by their failure to control their tongue. His failure to be truly religious is clearly seen in his unbridled, or uncontrolled, tongue. His religion is empty, worthless (James 1:26).

The religion of a true hearer is displayed in one's active concern for the needy. To be godly (God-like) one must especially care for the needs of the fatherless and widows (Psalms 68:5). The word "visit" does not refer to a social call but attention to the needs of the one visited (Compare Colossians 3:12; Galatians 6:10; 1 John 3:17; and Matthew 25:31-46). Pure religion is also demonstrated by keeping ourselves separate from the world's vices (James 1:27).

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