1 Kings 6 - Introduction

1 The building of Solomons Temple. 5 The chambers thereof. 11 Gods promise vnto it. 15 The sieling and adorning of it: 23 The Cherubims. 31 The doores. 36 The court. 37 The time of building it. 1 AND [NOTE: 2 Chronicles 3:1.] it came to passe in the foure hundred and fourescore yeere after t... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 6:1-38

1 The building of Solomons Temple. 5 The chambers thereof. 11 Gods promise vnto it. 15 The sieling and adorning of it: 23 The Cherubims. 31 The doores. 36 The court. 37 The time of building it. 1 AND [NOTE: 2 Chronicles 3:1.] it came to passe in the foure hundred and fourescore yeere after t... [ Continue Reading ]

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