2 Chronicles 1 - Introduction

1 The solemne offering of Solomon at Gibeon. 7 Solomons choise of wisdome is blessed by God. 13 Solomons strength and wealth. 1 AND Solomon the sonne of Dauid was strengthned in his kingdome, [NOTE: 1 Kings 2:46.] and the LORD his God was with him, & magnified him exceedingly. 2 Then Solomon spa... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 1:1-17

1 The solemne offering of Solomon at Gibeon. 7 Solomons choise of wisdome is blessed by God. 13 Solomons strength and wealth. 1 AND Solomon the sonne of Dauid was strengthned in his kingdome, [NOTE: 1 Kings 2:46.] and the LORD his God was with him, & magnified him exceedingly. 2 Then Solomon spa... [ Continue Reading ]

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