2 Chronicles 18 - Introduction

1 Iehoshaphat ioyned in affinitie with Ahab, is perswaded to goe with him against Ramoth Gilead. 4 Ahab seduced by false prophets, according to the worde of Micaiah is slaine there. 1 NOW Iehoshaphat had riches and honour in abundance, and ioyned affinitie with Ahab. 2 [NOTE: 1 Kings 22:2.] And ... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 18:1-34

1 Iehoshaphat ioyned in affinitie with Ahab, is perswaded to goe with him against Ramoth Gilead. 4 Ahab seduced by false prophets, according to the worde of Micaiah is slaine there. 1 NOW Iehoshaphat had riches and honour in abundance, and ioyned affinitie with Ahab. 2 [NOTE: 1 Kings 22:2.] And ... [ Continue Reading ]

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