2 Chronicles 22 - Introduction

1 Ahaziah succeeding, reigneth wickedly. 5 In his confederacie with Ioram the sonne of Ahab, he is slaine by Iehu. 10 Athaliah destroying all the seed royall, saue Ioash, who Iehoshabeath his aunt hid, vsurpeth the kingdom. 1 AND [NOTE: 2 Kings 8:24, etc.] the inhabitants of Ierusalem made Ahazia... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 22:1-12

1 Ahaziah succeeding, reigneth wickedly. 5 In his confederacie with Ioram the sonne of Ahab, he is slaine by Iehu. 10 Athaliah destroying all the seed royall, saue Ioash, who Iehoshabeath his aunt hid, vsurpeth the kingdom. 1 AND [NOTE: 2 Kings 8:24, etc.] the inhabitants of Ierusalem made Ahazia... [ Continue Reading ]

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