2 Chronicles 23 - Introduction

1 Iehoiada hauing set things in order, maketh Ioash king. 12 Athaliah is slaine. 16 Iehoiada restoreth the worship of God. 1 AND [NOTE: 2 Kings 11:4, etc.] in the seuenth yeere Iehoiada strengthened himselfe, and tooke the captaines of hundreds, Azariah the sonne of Ieroham, and Ishmael the sonne... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 23:1-21

1 Iehoiada hauing set things in order, maketh Ioash king. 12 Athaliah is slaine. 16 Iehoiada restoreth the worship of God. 1 AND [NOTE: 2 Kings 11:4, etc.] in the seuenth yeere Iehoiada strengthened himselfe, and tooke the captaines of hundreds, Azariah the sonne of Ieroham, and Ishmael the sonne... [ Continue Reading ]

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