2 Chronicles 3 - Introduction

1 The place, and time of building the Temple. 3 The measure and ornaments of the house. 11 The Cherubims. 14 The vaile and pillars. 1 THEN [NOTE: 1 Kings 6:1, etc.] Solomon began to build the house of the LORD at Ierusalem in Mount Moriah, [NOTE: Or, which was seene of Dauid his father.] where t... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Chronicles 3:1-17

1 The place, and time of building the Temple. 3 The measure and ornaments of the house. 11 The Cherubims. 14 The vaile and pillars. 1 THEN [NOTE: 1 Kings 6:1, etc.] Solomon began to build the house of the LORD at Ierusalem in Mount Moriah, [NOTE: Or, which was seene of Dauid his father.] where t... [ Continue Reading ]

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