1 Elijah, taking his leaue of Elisha, with his mantle diuideth Iordan,
9 and granting Elisha his request, is taken vp by a fierie charet into
12 Elisha, diuiding Iordan with Elijahs mantle, is acknowledged his
16 The young prophets, hardly obtaining leaue to seeke Elijah, could... [ Continue Reading ]
1 Elijah, taking his leaue of Elisha, with his mantle diuideth Iordan,
9 and granting Elisha his request, is taken vp by a fierie charet into
12 Elisha, diuiding Iordan with Elijahs mantle, is acknowledged his
16 The young prophets, hardly obtaining leaue to seeke Elijah, could... [ Continue Reading ]