2 Kings 21 - Introduction

[MANASSEH WICKED.] 1 Manasseh his reigne. 3 His great idolatrie. 10 His wickednesse causeth prophecies against Iudah. 17 Amon succeedeth him. 19 Amons wicked reigne. 23 Hee being slaine by his seruants, and those murderers slaine by the people, Iosiah is made King. 1 MANASSEH [NOTE: 2 Chronic... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Kings 21:1-26

[MANASSEH WICKED.] 1 Manasseh his reigne. 3 His great idolatrie. 10 His wickednesse causeth prophecies against Iudah. 17 Amon succeedeth him. 19 Amons wicked reigne. 23 Hee being slaine by his seruants, and those murderers slaine by the people, Iosiah is made King. 1 MANASSEH [NOTE: 2 Chronic... [ Continue Reading ]

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New Testament