1 Nathans parable of the Ewe lambe, causeth Dauid to be his owne
7 Dauid, reproued by Nathan, confesseth his sinne and is pardoned.
15 Dauid mourneth and prayeth for the childe, while it liued.
24 Salomon is borne and named Iedidiah.
26 Dauid taketh Rabbah, and tortureth the people thereo... [ Continue Reading ]
1 Nathans parable of the Ewe lambe, causeth Dauid to be his owne
7 Dauid, reproued by Nathan, confesseth his sinne and is pardoned.
15 Dauid mourneth and prayeth for the childe, while it liued.
24 Salomon is borne and named Iedidiah.
26 Dauid taketh Rabbah, and tortureth the people thereo... [ Continue Reading ]