2 Samuel 13 - Introduction

1 Amnon louing Tamar, by Ionadabs counsell faining himselfe sicke, rauisheth her. 15 Hee hateth her, and shamefully turneth her away. 19 Absalom entertaineth her, and concealeth his purpose. 23 At a sheepeshearing, among all the Kings sonnes, hee killeth Amnon. 30 Dauid grieuing at the newes is... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 13:1-39

1 Amnon louing Tamar, by Ionadabs counsell faining himselfe sicke, rauisheth her. 15 Hee hateth her, and shamefully turneth her away. 19 Absalom entertaineth her, and concealeth his purpose. 23 At a sheepeshearing, among all the Kings sonnes, hee killeth Amnon. 30 Dauid grieuing at the newes is... [ Continue Reading ]

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New Testament