2 Samuel 21 - Introduction

1 The three yeeres famine for the Gibeonites, cease, by hanging seuen of Sauls sonnes. 10 Rizpahs kindnes vnto the dead. 12 Dauid burieth the bones of Saul and Ionathan in his fathers sepulchre. 15 Foure battels against the Philistines, wherein foure valiants of Dauid slay foure gyants. [FAMINE... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Samuel 21:1-22

1 The three yeeres famine for the Gibeonites, cease, by hanging seuen of Sauls sonnes. 10 Rizpahs kindnes vnto the dead. 12 Dauid burieth the bones of Saul and Ionathan in his fathers sepulchre. 15 Foure battels against the Philistines, wherein foure valiants of Dauid slay foure gyants. [FAMINE... [ Continue Reading ]

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New Testament