1 The expiation of an vncertaine murder.
10 The vsage of a captiue taken to wife.
15 The first borne is not to be disinherited vpon priuate affection.
18 A stubburne sonne is to bee stoned to death.
22 The malefactour must not hang all night on a tree.
1 IF one bee found slaine in the lande, wh... [ Continue Reading ]
1 The expiation of an vncertaine murder.
10 The vsage of a captiue taken to wife.
15 The first borne is not to be disinherited vpon priuate affection.
18 A stubburne sonne is to bee stoned to death.
22 The malefactour must not hang all night on a tree.
1 IF one bee found slaine in the lande, wh... [ Continue Reading ]