Deuteronomy 6 - Introduction

1 The end of the Law is obedience. 3 An exhortation thereto. 1 NOW these are the Commaundements, the Statutes, & the Iudgements, which the LORD your God commanded to teach you, that ye might doe them in the land whither ye [NOTE: _ Hebrew: passe ouer.] goe to possesse it:_ 2 That thou mightest fe... [ Continue Reading ]

Deuteronomy 6:1-25

1 The end of the Law is obedience. 3 An exhortation thereto. 1 NOW these are the Commaundements, the Statutes, & the Iudgements, which the LORD your God commanded to teach you, that ye might doe them in the land whither ye [NOTE: _Hebrew:_ passe ouer.] goe to possesse it: 2 That thou mightest fea... [ Continue Reading ]

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New Testament