Deuteronomy 7 - Introduction

1 All communion with the Nations is forbidden, 4 for feare of Idolatrie, 6 for the holinesse of the people, 9 for the nature of God in his Mercie and Iustice, 17 for the assurednesse of victorie which God will giue ouer them. 1 WHEN the [NOTE: Deuteronomy 31:3.] LORD thy God shall bring thee in... [ Continue Reading ]

Deuteronomy 7:1-26

1 All communion with the Nations is forbidden, 4 for feare of Idolatrie, 6 for the holinesse of the people, 9 for the nature of God in his Mercie and Iustice, 17 for the assurednesse of victorie which God will giue ouer them. 1 WHEN the [NOTE: Deuteronomy 31:3.] LORD thy God shall bring thee in... [ Continue Reading ]

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New Testament