Exodus 11 - Introduction

1 Gods message to the Israelites to borrow iewels of their neighbours. 4 Moses threatneth Pharaoh with the death of the first borne. 1 AND the LORD said vnto Moses, Yet will I bring one plague more vpon Pharaoh, and vpon Egypt, afterwards hee will let you goe heuce: when hee shall let you goe, he... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 11:1-10

1 Gods message to the Israelites to borrow iewels of their neighbours. 4 Moses threatneth Pharaoh with the death of the first borne. 1 AND the LORD said vnto Moses, Yet will I bring one plague more vpon Pharaoh, and vpon Egypt, afterwards hee will let you goe heuce: when hee shall let you goe, he... [ Continue Reading ]

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New Testament