Exodus 36 - Introduction

1 The offerings are deliuered to the workemen. The liberalitie of the people is restrained. 8 The curtaines of Cherubims. 14 The curtaines of goats haire. 19 The couering of skinnes. 20 The boards with their sockets. 31 The barres. 35 The vaile. 37 The hanging for the doore. 1 THEN wrought B... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 36:1-38

1 The offerings are deliuered to the workemen. The liberalitie of the people is restrained. 8 The curtaines of Cherubims. 14 The curtaines of goats haire. 19 The couering of skinnes. 20 The boards with their sockets. 31 The barres. 35 The vaile. 37 The hanging for the doore. 1 THEN wrought B... [ Continue Reading ]

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New Testament