1 Isaac sendeth Esau for venison.
5 Rebekah instructeth Iacob to obtaine the blessing.
15 Iacob vnder the person of Esau obteineth it.
30 Esau bringeth venison.
33 Isaac trembleth.
34 Esau complaineth, and by importunitie obtaineth a blessing.
41 He threatneth Iacob.
42 Rebekah disappointeth... [ Continue Reading ]
1 Isaac sendeth Esau for venison.
5 Rebekah instructeth Iacob to obtaine the blessing.
15 Iacob vnder the person of Esau obteineth it.
30 Esau bringeth venison.
33 Isaac trembleth.
34 Esau complaineth, and by importunitie obtaineth a blessing.
41 He threatneth Iacob.
42 Rebekah disappointeth... [ Continue Reading ]