1 Iacob sendeth his ten sonnes to buy corne in Egypt.
6 They are imprisoned by Ioseph for spies.
18 They are set at libertie, on condition to bring Beniamin.
21 They haue remorse for Ioseph.
24 Simeon is kept for a pledge.
25 They returne with corne, and their money.
29 Their relation to Iacob... [ Continue Reading ]
1 Iacob sendeth his ten sonnes to buy corne in Egypt.
6 They are imprisoned by Ioseph for spies.
18 They are set at libertie, on condition to bring Beniamin.
21 They haue remorse for Ioseph.
24 Simeon is kept for a pledge.
25 They returne with corne, and their money.
29 Their relation to Iacob... [ Continue Reading ]