1 Iosephs policie to stay his brethren.
14 Iudahs humble supplication to Ioseph.
1 AND hee commaunded the [NOTE: _ Hebrew: him that was ouer his
house.] steward of his house, saying, Fill the mens sackes with food,
as much as they can carie, and put euery mans money in his sacks
2 And put... [ Continue Reading ]
1 Iosephs policie to stay his brethren.
14 Iudahs humble supplication to Ioseph.
1 AND hee commaunded the [NOTE: _Hebrew:_ him that was ouer his
house.] steward of his house, saying, Fill the mens sackes with food,
as much as they can carie, and put euery mans money in his sacks
2 And put... [ Continue Reading ]